Dog with cotton in ears.
Tom took ‘Pete and Jack’ the pups with him out on the ranch each day when it was fit for the pups to go with him and with the grass and all they would get stickers in their ears. Then it was off to the veterinarian to get the stickers out.
So Tom put cotton in their ears, then taped around the ear to keep the cotton in place. At night when day was done (he had put a small piece of tape at the bottom of the ear, he carefully pulled that off) and took the cotton out till next morning.
Then again he would put the cotton back in the ear and just put a small piece of tape to the bottom to keep the cotton in the ears. When it was time to take all the tape off the ears I saw Tom very carefully hold down on the bottom of the hair and pull the tape off and i never ever heard the pups whimper or cry at all.